Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just after I take my medication with a bowl of cereal I feel very fatigued and it is hard to concentrate. My nurse said that my white blood cell count is extremely low and I have to retested on wednesday morning. Therefore I have two medical appointments next week-one with Dr. Hai and one with the hep c nurse.Deidre received an average of 74% in her mid-semester report. She could have pushed it a little bit more but she is very active with her social life.At least now she is spending some time with female friends and is seeing her boyfriend, too. She needs to balance her activities so that she is not so dependant on her bf.Lyn and Peter are heading to Mexico today and Patrick will join them for Christmas there. Sinead is in Bali enjoying the sun and beach time. Ian's son Angus will will be getting married there in the early part of January.I am taking Kira and Kylie to the y pool this afternoon-hopefully I will be up to the task. the hot tub will be good for me.

Friday, November 16, 2007

This picture was taken in 1999 -Deidre was in Grade 2.
This morning I got up at 5:45 a.M. to make eggs and bacon for Deidre so that she would receive food before going to early basketball practice. Today is report card day and I hope she is doing very well in her first semester-seemingly so. Last night I looked after my grandchildren in their apartment downstairs while David and Cora went out for awhile- an easy job as all three were sleeping. My lawyer continues to work on my insurance claim and she is doing very well as far as I can see. I got a catch-up cheque for the children's portion of CPP DISABILITY. I am feeling much the same. I see my nurse next week on Wednesday morning. I will ask for copies of my recent blood tests. Four more months of treatment- and then I will hear the results. My 61st birthday came and went-did not really celebrate. David gave me a gift the following day. Kira made me some pictures. I gave myself a new pair of pyjamas. Lyn is sending me money to purchase some painting supplies. Oh, yes I received a wonderful birthday card from my sister-in law-Emily who is Don Settee's sister. I called her and we had a very neat conversation. Don and I had been married for five years in the middle seventies. Don's family has always been very good to me through the years. The birthday card arrived just on one of those days when I needed a positve note. Thank you.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Graduation- I have had a few in my lifetime
graduated from grade 12 in 1965
graduated from Education IA in 1966
graduated from Bachelor of Arts 1971
graduated from Bachelor of Fine Arts 1984
graduated to grade 3 fibrosis and stage 4 cirrhosis 2005
graduation in a chronic health condition Hepatitis C was not one of the goals I had in mind
Now I am standing at the edge of the crevice leading to end stage liver disease
I advise myself not to graduate anymore.

Who could refuse such a beautiful face?

not my cat but I enjoy this one